Monday, June 13, 2011

Do you know Indong Bangka?

Fishing boats idling at the mouth (delta) of Inopacan River in
the Reclamation Area (Pasil), Inopacan, Leyte.

This is the site of legendary story about Indong Bangka.

All photos by Edgie Polistico - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Inopacan has many legendary stories to tell. Aside from Inong Pak-an, let me also reintroduce to you the extraordinary power of "Indong Bangka," known as the Samson of Inopacan. He was known to have an extraordinary strength that people resorted to his help when there is a need to lift a huge boulder, timber, machine, etc.. He became well known in our town early before the World War II broke out. He became famous after one day all the people in town kept on wondering who caused the bangka (big passenger boat) that ran aground for several days to have it floating back to sea in the middle of the night. The mysterious incident occurred at the mouth of the Inopacan River, or that portion between Pasil (now reclamation area) and Badoy Beach. By word of mouth, the news spread like wildfire about a big boat that was carried single-handedly by Indong himself in the middle of the night. Because big boat is called "bangka" in our town, it was then that people started calling Indong as "Indong Bangka."

There were some narration from our old folks that Indong also helped carry or lift huge timber (troso) in some house construction, and he did it also at night. It's uncertain if the darkness of the night had something to do with his extraordinary strength or simply he was just too shy to show it off.

If you know some stories about Indong Bangka or some details as to who was the owner of the boat, what was the name of the boat, where Indong used to live, his family, his epic in life, etc. & etc., please share it here so the people around the world would know and became interested about Inopacan and us Inopacnons.

This would also help preserve the unwritten stories and history in our town. Somehow this literary compilation of Inopacan's past would be our valuable legacy to our children and future generations.

Felix Perandos sent me the following:

Edgie, you might not so familiar with me but i know your father well. Back home, im more known to as "Elfix" rather than Felix. Youngest son of Crispen Compendio Perandos & Queteria Payot Beltran from Pasil, Sto Rosario. I used to be the school artist (taga-himo mga charts & evrything sa I.I. before, hence i was exempted in Experiments, hehehe) I'm fond of drawings & commercial arts, T-shirt printing, cards, etc. I'm currently working as AutoCAD optr and as a Sales Engr.

I loved hearing stories like this ever since i was a kid. Mostly, we hear them during early nights near the seashore while we're waiting for the fishermen.

Well, i've heard some stories about Indong Bangka before from my neighbor fisher-folks in Pasil area. Some says that the reason why Indong" did his feats mostly at night because he has some secrets. They suspected that he uses improvised levers, pulleys, rollers & the likes in moving grounded bancas, timbers other heavy objects just like how the Ancient Egyptians build their great Pyramids. It was not confirmed though before because they never actually saw him or had any evidences to challenge Indong's reputation & strength. So the legend still stands through the times.

It was told that Indong has a relative or let's say, a "descendant" in the name of Hermogenes Dominisi or "Noy Mohing" in vernacular. He used to live near the Place of Justin Espinosa (Beside the Industrial Arts Bldg of Inopacan Central School, going to the Slaughterhouse (Abattoir) of Inopacan. I personally knew the man & he's very strong too. He can almost single-handedly carry the whole (fishing net) locally known as "Baling" at one end against 3 or 4 men at the other end of the carriage.His wife, Nang Persing used to sell "native nilugaw" (landang) very bulky body & walks just like the incredible Hulk in the movie.

There was allegedly another, relative of Indong in the name of "Tiago" but unfortunately, i never really have much story to tell about him except that he used to lived near Pasil Area near the mouth of Inopacan River... Thanks!


Thursday, June 9, 2011

IGF must register with SEC as Charitable Institution

IGF seal design by Inopacan Global Family
Yesterday morning (at 11:00 AM to be exact on 08 June 2011), I received a text message from Mr. Boy Luego asking me to comment about the Inopacan Global Family (IGF) and his dinner meeting with Mayor Loloy Lumarda in Inopacan last 14 May 2011 wherein they talked about the story of Inopacan and the promotion of tourism in our Cuatro Islas. He also asked me to help in the rehabilitation of the erstwhile Inopacan Institute.

I thanked him for making me that important, for asking my thoughts about the IGF and the projects they were discussing about. Boy is one of my FB friends for quite some time around. His being Luego gave me hint that he is related to the Luego’s I met before in town (that include Cris Luego my old next-door-neighbor, playmate and classmate in Inopacan Elementary School), and to some Luego’s I met in some of my travels in Cebu. I found that Boy is actually now in Consolacion, Cebu. This guy first called my attention when he followed some of my blogs that include "Inopacan, Leyte and the Inopacnons" and the "Inopacan Institute" where he left some flattering comments.

I promised Boy to pop him a message here in FB. Thus, I could not go to bed now bringing my collected thoughts in my sleep on how could I address the topics he brought up in his text message.

I strongly recommend to the organizers of the IGF to duly register your group as a charitable institution in the Security Exchange Commission (SEC) in the Philippines, its counterpart abroad (such as in the US) for the IGF to enjoy the following: 1) To have a juridical body that would perpetuate the existence of your group even after you are gone. 2) The juridical body, being distinct and separate from the persons composing it, can readily transact on its own such as to receive many and huge donations from various sponsors without worrying who will keep and audit the money among yourselves. 3) Finally, charity institutions enjoys break of some sort of tax exemptions. This means more money for the operation and to give to the beneficiaries. So start looking now who will fill the list of directors.

Operating a charitable institutions in the Philippines is subject to several regulations as required by the Philippine Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD). You must first register with the Philippine Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) either in its main office at SEC Building, EDSA , Greenhills, Mandaluyong City, Metro Manila, Philippines (across POEA or EDSA Shrine) or at its SEC Branch Office near the area where the charitable organization will be established (SEC Extension office in Cebu City is at SEC Bldg., V. Rama Avenue, Guadalupe, Cebu City. Tel. No. (032) 255-2874; (032) 253-5337; (032) 253-6987)

Applications for registration with SEC are then forwarded to the Standards Bureau of the DSWD or the DSWD Field Office for evaluation of the purposes of the institution and assessment of the merit of its programs and projects.

If the entity’s Articles of Incorporation, objectives, programs and services are within the purview of social welfare and do not violate existing policies, the DSWD Standards Bureau or the DSWD Field Office will endorse your application to the SEC and to DSWD for a license. Otherwise, it will suggest a review or revision or refer your application to appropriate agencies.

Your institution will also file an application with the DSWD in order to be credited as a social welfare and development (SWD) agency by submitting an information sheet and a certified true copy of the SEC Registration with Articles of Incorporation and Constitution and by-Laws. DSWD will then conduct its assessment and issue corresponding Certificate of Registration usually within 2-3 working days. If the institution is considered as a social work agency, it is required to proceed with the licensing and accreditation assessment within 1 year after the date of registration.

For more information, contact the DSWD Standards Bureau at (632) 931-3181 or (632) 951-7125 or send an e-mail to

  • For more about the advantage and disadvantage of creating charitable institution. Click here.
  • To know on how are the charitable institutions in the Philippines. Click here
  • In another topic, my thought about their plan to rehabilitate Inopacan Institute, click here




Finding the true origin of Inopacan

The photo is not mine. Photo courtesy of National Geographic. See the original photo and story here . (Disclaimer: This was not taken in Ino...


This will help me research more about our home town and of stories and history and of other notable things that include about us, Inopacnons. Thank you for your kindness.